Monday, February 28

If I had waited only 5 seconds more, I would have had the entirety of Russian juxtaposition in one photo. Just to the left, hair coming into view, were a couple of women in perfect hair, makeup, and stiletto heels who had just walked out of the no electicity, no plumbing shack house that those goats live beside. And notice that next to that little naked kid is another kid playing Gameboy.

This photo created a lot of hilarity and confusion for me when I first saw it. My niece had just been born, and my mom said that she would send me a bunch of pictures as soon as she could, seeing that I was up at PRBI at the time. So when I got this picture in the mail, I immediately took it around the dorm and the cafeteria, bragging about my niece. Turns out it wasn't my niece. Mom never did label the picture or anything, how was I supposed to know? Anyways, the doll in the picture is my doll from when I was a has a rubber bum with many, many teethmarks in it...don't the two look alike? This baby is my friend Christine's daughter (incidentally, Christine's teeth are on that doll's bum too).

Friday, February 25

work, work, work

I have been working for years at low-paying, go nowhere jobs, trying to finish some schooling so that I no longer need to do these low-paying, go nowhere jobs. And instead of picking something and sticking with it, I have decided to go back to school, again. Really, it is all my own fault. I have hemmed and hawed and travelled a bit, gaining much knowledge going nowhere except to provide some excellent round the dinner table chit chat.

This week has been a great reminder of where I am in life...depending on who I meet. To those who just meet me and do not know that I am a file girl/waitress/student, I can come across as very accomplished, full of purpose and an inner drive that will take me far. To the self-involved barbie girl who cut my hair the other day and called me 'hon' (even though I was obviously not impressed that she left me in my chair with soaking wet, half-cut hair to talk to her boyfriend on the phone for almost 10 minutes), I was not very impressive at all, apparently.

There's really not much point to this here blog, I really just wanted to publicly complain about my hairstylist.

Tuesday, February 8


A couple of years ago I developed a new life strategy for myself. I like to think that it was due to an epiphany or some inspiring message to simplify life, but really, I was too cramped in my dorm room and was going mad.

It all began one weekend when the homework and library books had spilled from my desk onto my bed and beyond. The room was too warm, a consequence of being in the centre of the dorm and our thermostat not working (I think it was just there to make us feel as if we had SOME control over our lives), the neighbor's music too loud, and too cold outside to go anywhere. Needless to say, I lost it. Until it struck me...minimize!

In other words, get rid of everything you haven't used in a while, keep only what you need (the first thing to go was that dried soup packet I'd carried around for 3 years in all my moving). As they can attest, every girl that came to visit my roommate that day (I was going too nutty for visitors) got an earful of the wonders of minimizing. When asked what I was doing, I threw up my hands and yelled (remember these rooms are small), "Minimize! It's all about minimizing!" (Picture George Costanza doing this)

Reading this story now, it seems a little ridiculous, but the other girls got ahold of the idea. Even though they didn't actually minimize their own rooms, I could hear them spreading the word down the hall, and it made me proud.

Sunday, February 6

My Family

Here are some snapshots of my family...mostly my niece, who recently turned two, even though is younger here. She is so much fun! (I know, I know, all aunts think their own relatives are the cutest ever).

Jayden on her first birthday

Colin and Jayden, he's blowing on a piece of grass for her.

Jayden at 5 months, in her disarming "attitude" pose

Friday, February 4


There is nothing better than a midday nap and a cup of java to wake a person feels like you have a whole new day...two days in one!

Thursday, February 3

The Four Month Rule

Many years ago I heard a speaker with a leopard print vest say that they only date someone once they have been friends for a year, and then if after 4 months they can't see it going any further, they end the relationship. Point being that you should know whether this person is compatible for you after only four months!

Another friend of mine said it should be three years, and a dear aunt of mine says you need to be sure you've seen them in every season.

As for me, I go with my gut. I mean, it's amazing how I can just know after only two minutes with some guys that it will never work! And some guys, it takes about 10 minutes. Either way, am I too focused on figuring out why it will not work?

The problem here, and with everyone, is that we are just really much too inexperienced with the feeling that it will work. It's the sort of thing that only really happens once for most people, if at all, and more than once for those who are truly lucky (if they are unfortunate enough to have had the first one not work or last for whatever reason).

I am becoming more convinced that knowing it will work is only a matter of choice. Love is a choice. We eventually, by figuring out what we like, what we don't like, meet someone who is tolerable and even fun to be with, and give it a shot.

Some say that it is a matter of the heart, not a choice, but I disagree. Our hearts are prejudiced with the decisions and values we have chosen over the years. When we meet someone that violates and offends these values (like those who chew with their mouths open or picks their nose in public), we do not love them. Or at least not enough to wish to have a relationship with them.

On the other hand, when we meet someone who shares these values, or does not offend our prejudice, we can choose to love them forever. And I believe you can find out these basics, like the chewing thing, within four months, so go for it!