Tuesday, February 8


A couple of years ago I developed a new life strategy for myself. I like to think that it was due to an epiphany or some inspiring message to simplify life, but really, I was too cramped in my dorm room and was going mad.

It all began one weekend when the homework and library books had spilled from my desk onto my bed and beyond. The room was too warm, a consequence of being in the centre of the dorm and our thermostat not working (I think it was just there to make us feel as if we had SOME control over our lives), the neighbor's music too loud, and too cold outside to go anywhere. Needless to say, I lost it. Until it struck me...minimize!

In other words, get rid of everything you haven't used in a while, keep only what you need (the first thing to go was that dried soup packet I'd carried around for 3 years in all my moving). As they can attest, every girl that came to visit my roommate that day (I was going too nutty for visitors) got an earful of the wonders of minimizing. When asked what I was doing, I threw up my hands and yelled (remember these rooms are small), "Minimize! It's all about minimizing!" (Picture George Costanza doing this)

Reading this story now, it seems a little ridiculous, but the other girls got ahold of the idea. Even though they didn't actually minimize their own rooms, I could hear them spreading the word down the hall, and it made me proud.


At 11:17 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

Ok, Miss Minimize... I need help. I've come to lothe the little hole that I once called my room. There's just too much crap! I've been set free from the curse my family has over it - I no longer want to keep every little thing, "just in case". I want it gone!
You have inspired me. First to get rid of 2/3 of my wardrobe (tho, it's groing back to it's once 3wk laundry cycle!); and, then lose a piece of furniture when I rearranged my room; and, now to throw just about everything in there - on my dresser, desk, and in my closet - out. I can't even remember the last time I've looked at those things, let alone used them!! It's time!

Now, if only I could get over that curse of procrastination..... Maybe I'll do it this weekend. ;)

At 7:07 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...its Rob...can't remember my password...so there...

Bah to minimizing. If I was all for this whole minimizing kick, I wouldn't have all of my He-Man Action Figures (not to be confused with dolls), and what would the use of life be if I couldn't have Skelator face off against He-Man whenever I wanted?

Also If this whole minimizing thing had any merit, where would my mom do with all of her shoes. 500 pairs of shoes is something to be proud of. In fact if minimizing was the 'right thing' she would only have 150 pairs...and that isn't nearly enough.

Besides, minimizing is no fun at all...I like having stuff that has no real use. My wall clock may never get used again, but then again, it might, and why risk it?

As for you J, you should have thrown out 2/3 of your clothes long ago (Read: Procrastination Problem here). I'm not saying that you don't dress well or anything, but tapered jeans were never cool...even when they were cool. And you could definately stand to have 3 or 4 less pieces of furniture in your room. So for you...minimizing is A.OK...just leave the Action Figures alone...right?

At 11:48 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

Had another opportunity to minimize again, yesterday. I fought it tooth-and-nail... I thought Jenn was going to punch me in the face if I resisted anymore!
I think the next step for minimizing at my place, is the number of ppl who live in my house... anyone looking for a couple of roomies??


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