Thursday, August 25

So much to look forward to!

The past two weeks have been much more intense and much more of an insight into my character than I anticipated. I realize now how much I value tears, how much I love my man-to-be, and what incredible friends and family we have. I really could not be any more fortunate.

As for the future, we have a new townhouse that I may decorate (pending finances of course) and I have a new career to plan (2 and a half years of Business studies to do).

In the next couple days, I am looking forward to transforming the Canopy, having great pizza, getting a manicure and my first pedicure ever, and visiting with so many people that I rarely get to see.

As I run around my house like a headless chicken today preparing, I feel truly blessed.


At 4:23 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

I seem to be constantly grinning from ear-to-ear (just like my pic!) in anticipation for Saturday!!

I too feel blessed by all that we have. It's definitely the friends and family that make us rich, isn't it?!

Love you!


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